
The DAO has exclusive control over an extensive list of exchange parameters. For safety, parameters are adjusted incrementally or decrementally within a specified range.


  • bootstrappingRewards - the amount of ZERO tokens provided as a bootstrapping reward for a new pool when a new token is whitelisted. Default: 200k ZERO

  • percentRewardsBurned - the percentage of ZERO tokens from arbitrage (excluding the upkeep reward) that is burned. Default: 10%

  • baseBallotQuorumPercent - the minimum amount of veZERO required for ballot quorum. Default 5%

  • ballotMinimumDuration - how many days minimum a ballot has to exist before it can be taken action on. Default: 10 days

  • requiredProposalPercentStake - the percent of staked ZERO tokens that a user has to have to make a proposal. Default: .50%

  • percentRewardsForReserve - the percentage of ZERO tokens from arbitrage (excluding the upkeep reward) that is sent to the DAO's reserve. Default: 10%

  • upkeepRewardPercent - the share of the WETH arbitrage profits sent to the DAO that are sent to the caller of DAO.performUpkeep(). Default: 3%

  • ballotMaximumDuration - how many days maximum a ballot can exist before it can be manually canceled by any user. Default: 30 days


  • maximumWhitelistedPools - the maximum number of pools that can be whitelisted at any one time. Default: 50


  • rewardsEmitterDailyPercentTimes1000 - the target daily percent of rewards distributed by the stakingRewardsEmitter and liquidityRewardsEmitter. Default: 0.25%

  • emissionsWeeklyPercentTimes1000 - the weekly percent of ZERO emissions that will be distributed from the Emissions contract. Default: 0.25%

  • stakingRewardsPercent - the percentage of rewards received by veZERO holders (compared to liquidity providers). Default: 75%


  • minUnstakeWeeks - the minimum number of weeks for an unstake request at which point minUnstakePercent of the original staked ZERO tokens is reclaimable. Default: 2 weeks

  • maxUnstakeWeeks - the maximum number of weeks for an unstake request at which point 100% of the original staked ZERO tokens is reclaimable. Default: 52 weeks

  • minUnstakePercent - the percentage of the original staked ZERO tokens that is reclaimable when unstaking the minimum number of weeks. Default: 20%

  • modificationCooldown - the minimum time between staking and unstaking or between depositing and withdrawing liquidity (to avoid rewards sniping). Default: 15 minutes

Last updated