Acquiring veZERO

ZERO tokens can be staked to acquire veZERO. Staked ZERO is immediately converted to veZERO at a 1 to 1 ratio (with 100 staked ZERO yielding 100 veZERO for example).

veZERO in non-transferrable and unstaking veZERO for the original amount of staked ZERO requires an unstaking period of 52 weeks.

Expedited unstaking periods are also possible - but yield less than 100% of the original staked amount of ZERO. The shortest expedited unstake duration is two weeks - but only results in 20% of the original amount of staked ZERO being claimable.

When expedited unstaking is used any unclaimed ZERO tokens are burnt.

All parameters related to staking and unstaking are adjustable by the DAO.

Last updated